daniels day2day in garanhuns

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

a realidade de cuba

OK i am REAL sorry i cant translate this right now, but i got a game to run out to right now and thought this is of interest.. the paya article appeared in a brasilian magazine called VEJA.. its a crappy babelfish translation, but you can try reading it in portuguese, think in spanish..
a realidade de cuba

The official announcement that the dictator Fidel Castro, 79 years, was operated of a intestinal hemorrhage - (ACI - Havana 01ago06), and passed control of the government his brother Raul of 75 years, made the Cuban people to remember the famous prophecy of Saint Antonio María Claret, in middle of century XIX, that Cuba would again insert in the ' Concert of the Nations ' soon after the death of Fidel Castro, with a brief period of internal violence. The Spanish saint was Archbishop of Cuba between 1851 and 1857. In accordance with one strong verbal tradition and with writings conserved for the Congregation that it established, the Virgin of the Charity of Cobre disclosed to it that the Island would more than suffer a dictatorship from 40 years, and that [ Fidel Castro would finish with the death leader it ] in its bed. The prophecy spoke of a young leader very bold, bearded and folloied of other also bearded men, and that it would be acclaimed by all and that would be taken possetion little by little of the power, submitting the Cuban people to a railway dictatorship that would last 40 years, during which Cuba would suffer to numerous calamities and penúrias. E that finally this man would die in the bed. The people has this prophecy in high account, and the world waits that, in fact, it has a return of the democracy Cuba. Since that for the weapons the dictator Fidel Castro knocked down president Fulgêncio Baptist, to the 8 of January of 1959, and implanted, there, a railway communist dictatorship, and since then, the Cuban people did not know more what it is freedom and democracy. He does not have the free press and nor elections. From there, the Country lived under exclusive regimen of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC), lead with hands of iron for the dictator, Fidel Castro, eliminating the adversaries. It says the unsupicious "Black Book of the Communism", written for the French historian Stéphane Courtois, and a team of six collaborators, who:"Havana and Santa Clara had been palco of executions em.massa. In accordance with the foreign press, this summary purification made 600 victims between the partisans of Baptist, in only five months. Execution courts had been organized, created to pronounce executions solely... In May of 1958 all the religious colleges had been closed, the respective buildings had been confiscated, also the Jesuit college of Belen, where Fidel makes its studies. Envergando its uniform, the Maximum Leader declared: ' that the falangistas priests if prepare to make the luggages '. The warning was not gratuitous, since in 17 set 1961, 131 priests religious diocesans and had been expulsos of Cuba. In the arrest of La Loma of los Coches, a thousand ' against revolutionaries ' had been more than fusilladed ". (Ed. Bertrand Brazil, 3ª. Ed. RIO DE JANEIRO, 2001, pg 770)The religious persecution in Cuba was enormous, as it also happened in all the communist countries, Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodja, among others. The churches had been closed; religious and religious they had been imprisoned, exiled or died; e the religion alone could be practised under the guardianship of the State. The children and the young, in the day-care centers and the colleges, receive fort and constant marxist indoctrination, enaltecendo the "Revolution" and its "commander" Fidel. according to more respected not conforming Cuban, Oswaldo Payá, Fidel he was not imprisoned for being an international celebrity, and affirms: "the end of the communism in Cuba depends only on the biological fatalismo: the death of the dictator " (SEES, 18 May 2003). In 2003, the opponent was with the Pope in the Vatican, met with the Secretary of State, Colin Powell, in Washington, and had its enclosed name enters the candidates to the Prize Nobel of the Peace Is a practicing catholic, whom dirige established and the "Christian Movement Release", and a reference for the future of Cuba its is well articulated proposal of a pacific transistion for the democracy. Payá is also the mentor of the Project Varella, the below-signed one asking for to opening politics. In Havana, where it works as engineer of hospital equipment maintenance, it it does not give a step without being followed by the policy. But it is not left to intimidate. Still boy, was the only pupil of its primary school that if refused to enter for Communist Youth. Adolescent, led a manifestation against the Soviet invasion of the Checoslováquia, in 1968.
In interview to the magazine "VEJA", Payá said that "always it had a great disinformation on the Cuban reality. All the Soviet block, including the Government Cuban, was specialist in launching a false image of our Country. The world always saw Cuba as the island of the freedom, populated of revolutionary, legendary and romantic leaders. We had here of everything, little freedom and equality ". E also affirms that "a culture of the fear arraigada in Cuba Exists has decades... The express totalitarianism if by means of exerted mechanisms of control on the population... It has a complete monitoring on the citizens, what it inhibits any possibility of personal growth or individual freedom." (VEJA, 18 May 2003).
Philip Aquino

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