daniels day2day in garanhuns

Saturday, July 01, 2006

off to another copa..

ok one last post before i leave.. right now i got 45 or so kids running around at the stadium.. they will spend the night there and tomorrow morning at 5 AM or so we leave for arauá, sergipe for a one week tourney, III copa ouro, against similar schools.. this is a good test run for future tourneys.. we get to work out all the kinks and each tourney runs smoother.. now, on the brasil loss.. they played like crap, france was the better team.. but what surprised me was the reaction.. i thought people would be walking around like zombies.. i only saw one guy and a couple girls cry.. the rest, they are partying on like if nothing happened.. they figure, we will celebrate to cheer ourselves up.. pretty intersting.. ok in out for a week..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Posted on Wed, Jun. 28, 2006

Secondhand smoke is called a deadly menace
The surgeon general released a study stating that secondhand smoke can cause disease and death in children and nonsmoking adults.
Washington Post Service

WASHINGTON - Secondhand smoke increases the risk of heart disease and lung cancer by about 25 percent in nonsmokers and can be especially dangerous for children living with smokers, according to a comprehensive report issued Tuesday by U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona.

''The health effects of secondhand smoke exposure are more pervasive than we previously thought,'' said Carmona, vice admiral of the U.S. Public Health Service. ``The scientific evidence is now indisputable: Secondhand smoke is not a mere annoyance. It is a serious health hazard that can lead to disease and premature death in children and nonsmoking adults.''

According to the report, the government's most detailed statement ever on secondhand smoke, exposure can cause heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults and is a known cause of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), respiratory problems, ear infections and asthma attacks in infants and children.


The report found that nearly half of all nonsmoking Americans are still regularly exposed to smoke from others. It concludes that any exposure to secondhand smoke is a risk to nonsmokers, and as a result the only way to protect nonsmokers is to eliminate indoor smoking.

The last time that the surgeon general addressed secondhand smoke was in 1986. The Environmental Protection Agency and the California EPA have both addressed the issue since then -- concluding that nonsmokers were at risk for secondhand smoke -- but the surgeon general has generally been considered the most authoritative source on science and tobacco issues.

The report, The Health Consequences of Involuntary Exposure to Tobacco Smoke, concludes that even short exposure can lead to cardiovascular problems, and long-term heath problems and lung disease.

''The report is a crucial warning sign to nonsmokers and smokers alike,'' said Health and Human Services Secretary Michael Leavitt. ``Smoking can sicken and kill, and even people who do not smoke can be harmed by smoke from those who do.''


There are more than 50 cancer-causing chemicals in secondhand smoke, and smokers and nonsmokers in rooms with smokers inhale many of the same toxins. Because the bodies of infants and children are still developing, the report says, they are at special risk for secondhand smoke.

The report finds that even the most sophisticated ventilation systems cannot eliminate secondhand smoke and that only smoke-free environments are risk-free. Carmona endorsed smoke-free indoor buildings as the solution.

He called the adoption of smoke-free buildings in many cities and states a major public health accomplishment that has had enormous positive effects.

The report does not present new scientific data, but is a compilation of the best research on secondhand smoke.

''This report once and for all ends any scientific debate about whether exposure to secondhand smoke is a cause of serious diseases like lung cancer and heart disease,'' Matthew Myers of the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, said in a statement.

The report, he said, ``leads to one inescapable conclusion: Only comprehensive smoke-free workplace laws can protect all workers and the public from the serious, proven health risks of secondhand smoke. The report's conclusions make the need for strong and immediate action clear. It's time to protect everyone's right to breathe clean air.''